I think a discovered another technique for deconstruction. Use a search engine with words or phrases from a poetry line. I have much more to write about my Poetry Deconstruction Zone but it is technical and not the kind of thing I can just blog about.
I do think this all started as I began to investigate the work of Charles Wright and his focus on the line which was prompted by a poet friend’s appreciation of my strong phrases and combinations of words.
From Mosaic (Winnipeg), March 2002 v35 i1 p149(20)
Charles Wright, Giorgio Morandi, and the metaphysics of the line. Bonnie Costello.
“Wright's model of artistic agency has been the modern painter, who has led him not only to painterly images and metaphors but also to a conception of the poetic line as having spatial integrity. The line is not only the verbal register of stimuli or the encoding of voice, but it is also a direct visual mark in a spatial pattern of such marks. ... But in Wright's work the influence of the visual arts carries over from image to the line. Indeed, in Wright, the line emerges at an alignment of oral and visual impact, and the visual page becomes encoded with visionary themes.
Visit your local library website and electronic collection. The InfoTrac collection is an excellent way to keep up on the latest. The Excite Meta Search Engine is my favorite. (Hint: if you want to exclude some of the partners like, oh just like, Google for example, hit the advanced button and make your choices).
This lead to a worderful (my own serendipitous misspelling) web site,
Wordscapes by John and Muriel Higgins when I searched a phrase from my latest poem, Train window Times > “rhyming mates/mowing.”